25 October 2007

thanks to our fire fighters

well, after trying my hardest to bring some of my card creations to my page, im giving up for the night. but not without one last thought. its so nice to be back in our own home. even though we were only gone for one night, there is just a different feeling that when you leave your house, there isnt a one hundred percent guarantee that next time you drive down your street, your home will be waiting for you as it always has done in the past years. and there is something different about standing in your home, looking around at all of the different "things" you have collected through the years, thinking quickly which one is your most precious and which one have you been wanting to throw out, but havent had it in you to do so. such a strange feeling. but the strangest feeling is knowing that in the fires in the past, all you know is there are a bunch of men and women out there (strangers) putting their lives on the line to save your home, your pictures, memories and the bed you sleep in every night. but this time around it wasnt that way. my brother in law and two very close friends were among those men and women fighting for us. im so proud of them. its times like these that you realize that these people really are something special. it takes a certain someone to choose a job that in case of an emergency, they put a strangers life in front of their own. yes, thats what they are trained to do, but they also have it in their blood because they have chosen to put themselves in that position. the past four or five days, these fighters have been up almost non-stop. and thats if you want to count laying in the street, still dressed in your turnouts catching a few minutes of sleep using the curb as your pillow. my brother in law finally got off of work this morning, but doesnt get to go home. he is back at the station for his day off, waiting to see if he is needed near by. my heart goes out to these people and again, im so proud of what they do. i cant wait to see them again and give these boys hugs!!

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